The Pale House

“Haunting and ethereal art works from an imaginary house that exists in a dream-like state.”

Shop Announcement:

To celebrate being the featured maker for February and it just also happens to be my birthday on the 5th of Feb, there is a 30% off all my pieces. Discount code - february2025

This will run from the 1st to the 28th Feb.

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Unseen - a series of sculptures of moths and mirrors by The Pale House

  • Unseen ii - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen ii - small, strange,...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen iii - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen iii - small, strange...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen vii - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen vii - small, strange...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen x - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen x - small, strange, ...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen xi - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen xi - small, strange,...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen v - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen v - small, strange, ...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen vi - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen vi - small, strange,...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen viii - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen viii - small, strang...

    The Pale House


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  • Unseen ix - small, strange, beautiful moth and mirror sculpture

    Unseen ix - small, strange,...

    The Pale House


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