lisa le quelenec

Beautiful handmade items from British designers and makers

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  • Pebbles I an abstract collage study of beach pebbles plastic free

    Pebbles I an abstract colla...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Pebbles II an abstract collage zen art minimalist art plastic free

    Pebbles II an abstract coll...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Pebbles III an abstract collage reproduction blank greeting card plastic free

    Pebbles III an abstract col...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Hag stone & old Harry Rocks abstract  repro blank greeting card cello free

    Hag stone & old Harry Rocks...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Cello free sailing by the light of the moon blank greeting card

    Cello free sailing by the l...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Ebb and flow II an abstract pebble inspired blank greeting card plastic free

    Ebb and flow II an abstract...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Chambered nautilus cross section sea shell original drypoint etching

    Chambered nautilus cross se...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Blank art greeting card ammonite spiral note card notelet cellophane free

    Blank art greeting card amm...

    Seaside Studios UK


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  • Ammonite blank greeting card notecard fossil spiral photograph cello free

    Ammonite blank greeting car...

    Seaside Studios UK


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