dog wear

Beautiful handmade items from British designers and makers

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  • Dog Bandana, small size, 11"-15", Pug, dog, pink,  neckerchief style, reversible

    Dog Bandana, small size, 11...

    Zo Knit and Sew


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  • Dog Bandana, small size, 11"-15", drums, neckerchief style, reversible, bandana

    Dog Bandana, small size, 11...

    Zo Knit and Sew


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  • Dog Bandana, small size, 11"-15", flame design, neckerchief style, reversible

    Dog Bandana, small size, 11...

    Zo Knit and Sew


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  • Dog Bandana, small size, 11"-15", Pug, dog, blue, neckerchief style, reversible

    Dog Bandana, small size, 11...

    Zo Knit and Sew


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