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William John Fox

“There is no knowing what you will find in my shop, anything from driftwood sculptures to gift tags!”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Driftingalong


Hello, the sea is my passion, so anything marine, seaside or coastal can be found in my "shop".

Hello, I'm John. After 43 years of working for Wiltshire Council, I was lucky to have been offered voluntary redundancy. This means that I now have the time to purse my hobbies of amateur carpentry and model making. Even though I live in Wiltshire, my passion is the sea. That is why there are so many driftwood or seaside related items in my "shop".
I work from home, in my garage and shed, making decorative items that people seem to like, my supply of driftwood has to be continuously replenished by trips to Cornwall, as often as possible. Oh, did I say that Cornwall is my "spiritual" home, any excuse and I'm there!
I married to Marilyn, she is the person behind all the knitted and crotched items that I sell, she is the artistic one of the two of us.
The other inspiration that we have is our nearly three year old grandson, he gives us ideas for toys to make, if the work for him, then I make one or two to sell on Folksy.
If there is anything bespoke that you would like me to make, just ask, I'd be more than pleased to help.