Why sell your handmade jewellery on Folksy?

Sell your handmade jewellery on Folksy

Join Folksy, be part of the largest British marketplace for handmade, and reach thousands of shoppers every week who are looking for jewellery and other gifts made by British artisans, designers and makers.

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  • Get 3 FREE listings
  • Just 15p to list items
  • Low commission - only 6%
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See our jewellery section

Be part of the largest British marketplace for craft. Join Folksy and reach thousands of shoppers every week who are looking for handmade jewellery and other gifts made by British artisans, designers and makers.

At Folksy, we’re passionate about craft and handmade. We don’t accept resellers or vintage – we’re all about craftsmanship. That’s what makes us tick.

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    New shops are automatically featured on the home page and we regularly promote new shops in our newsletters which go out to over 60,000 active subscribers every week.

  • Folksy PLUS

    If you sell craft supplies for jewellery makers, or list your work frequently, take a look at our extra value Folksy Plus Account where you get free listings for an entire year.

Tips for selling handmade jewellery online