⭐️ Free UK Delivery ⭐️ 5-Star Customer Care ⭐️ 1-Business Day Processing ⭐️ Organic Materials ♻️ 100% Recycled/ Recyclable Packing ⭐️ Cruelty-Free
A love of the sea, Scotland’s coasts and islands, and the joys of growing and drying flowers for use in the home has led our family to establish Clachaig Candles.
We’re passionate about island living, and sharing the multi-sensory wellbeing benefits of being close to plants and flowers.
Making sure we do this in a sustainable way, choosing recycled, re-usable and eco-friendly supplies, packaging and production methods, is equally important to us. It’s a learning process, and one that we are fully committed to.
We‘re also committed to providing the best customer service, so we promise to reply quickly to your messages and take on board your feedback .
Reviewed by Topsy70
Purchased for a May birthday celebration so unlit as yet. Simply the loveliest candle I've ever seen, with a true fragrance. Unwrapping the package was a delight! Many many thanks.
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