Petit Four Spoon with ha...
Looney Spoons
£8.50 1 in stock
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My name is Lois and I love ceramics. I have always been creative from a child, having a creative family around me. I started off making ceramic sculptures for fun and moved on to a more diverse range of ceramics. I have a busy family life with two wonderful children who inspire me to be creative. In my spare time I make and create as a way of having some me time and doing what I love. I find making my ceramic pieces brings me a sense of peace and calm amongst the storm of life. Everything I make is made at my home by hand with love. I treat every piece as if it was as special as the person that hopefully receives them. Each piece is unique to it's self, no one piece is every exactly the same even if there are 10 that look similar. I love being able to create wonderful things that people get to enjoy day after day.
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