Jojo Rainbow Creative

“Lover of bright colours and all things arts and crafts raising money for Ovacome”

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About Jojo Rainbow Creative

Jojo Rainbow Creative

Lover of lots of arts, crafts and bright colours. Lino printmaking and hand embroidered gifts made with love and each includes a donation to Ovacome the ovarian cancer charity who have supported me personally.

Hi I'm Jodie, the woman behind Jojo Rainbow Creative. My background is in fine art and I love all things arts and crafts. I started this shop after being diagnosed with a rare form of Ovarian Cancer.

Whilst recovering, I undertook a range of crafts and had support from Ovacome the ovarian cancer charity and through their craft sessions online, I re-connected with hand embroidery. I somehow felt the need for sweary embroidery following my cancer and love the mix of prettiness, colour and sweariness together! For each sale I make, I make a donation to Ovacome - notes of how much from each sale is detailed in the item description. I feel passionately about doing my bit to help and support others with this terrible disease.

I have a teenage son, three teen / tweenage step kids, a cat called Pickle, a dog called Walter and a wonderful husband called Peter.

Thank you for supporting my little shop and helping me to raise funds for Ovacome.