Callow Designs

Grace Callow

  • United Kingdom

“Affordable Charming Gifts with Beautiful Meaning”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About Callow Designs

Callow Designs

Affordable Charming Gifts with Beautiful Meaning

At Callow Designs we believe there is no greater pleasure than to give a gift, to which the recipient is truly surprised, touched and appreciative. Likewise, how great is that feeling when you receive a gift which has been thoughtfully chosen and holds truly beautiful meaning to you personally. For that reason, our main objective is to provide our customers and their loved ones with the opportunity to experience a more meaningful and special way of giving and receiving gifts.

For Callow Designs EVERY CUSTOMER is a VIP customer, we care because you care.
We love to hear about where our homemade items find new homes with their new family, their story and your feedback. Every message is greatly received and you do not necessarily need to purchase a gift to get in contact. If you have any feedback on any of our gifts please share the love. You can get in contact with us through social media.


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Tell us! We are continuously developing our product range to provide you, with the best opportunity of giving the perfect gift with extra special meaning.