
Lesley Molloy

  • United Kingdom

“Fun to wear ...Easy to care for”

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About molonki


European style clothing. Fun to wear; easy to care for - MOLONKI

My granddaughter arrived on the scene in 2012 and what a delight she is!

Seeing all the beautiful clothes she had reignited my interest in sewing. Inspired ,I armed myself with a new sewing machine and overlocker and set to. With easy access to the wonderful range of bright, colourful and comfortable fabrics now available, I began designing and making clothes to suit both her lifestyle (sleeping, eating, playing,nursery) and that of her mother (cooking, washing, work, bed, cooking, washing, work, bed..!)

I use bright and colourful fabrics which appeal to children. Quality European fabrics, usually organic and Oeko-tex approved, ensure garments are comfortable to wear and easy to care for and, as a bonus, they're not likely to meet anyone else with the same kit on.

A spare bedroom is where I do my sewing, early in the morning before I start the day job. At weekends. I'm in Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire, playing with my granddaughter.

Update...I now have another granddaughter to add to my collection...more sewing for me!