Humming B Floral Art

“Creating art, naturally”

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About Humming B Floral Art

Humming B Floral Art

Artistic in nature

Hi, I'm Barbs.

I design unique floral artworks using pressed flowers to create naturally detailed high quality Giclee prints and cards.

Since childhood I have loved nature and the outdoors, spending many a day picking daisies from my parents’ lawn to make chains. Now I have a garden of my own, growing flowers and using this charming medium in a creative way has become my passion. With a keen eye for detail, I love to find all the little curls and textures that nature provides and celebrate natures variety in its entirety.

All my flowers are grown with care for the environment. I choose to allow nature to regulate itself so pesticides are banished and all wildlife is encouraged into my Canterbury based cutting patch. This means some petals are munched and leaves may not always be perfect but they all make my heart sing.

My designs appeal to nature lovers, flower enthusiasts, gardeners and all who love the outdoors. I hope you find your passion there too.