Pressed By Tea

“Eclectic and ethically produced hand designed and printed products. ”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About Pressed By Tea

Pressed By Tea

Eclectic Eco Hand designed and printed items from the North West of England.

Why Hello There!
Seems you have made it to the bottom of the page I shall tell you a little about me and why we are here so buckle up and prepare for a wild ride. Im kidding but you get the point!

So Im Tea, or Taryn, I'm in my late 20's and I'm from a small Lancashire village called Whalley. After moving down south in my early 20's to study fine art at University I rekindled my love for all things print making. Print making at my university was very screen print orientated and whilst I love it I was looking for something I could do at home. Skip forward a few years, I graduated (1:1 Honours I know you want to know LOL) and I came back up north. I was working a job I hated and was taking a toll on my mental health so I left. Whilst being at home and having a lot of time with my thoughts I started to penpal, I currently have around 30 penpals (I know I'm crazy) but through the penpal writing I discovered my love of crafting again. One day I was looking for postcards to send to some of my penpals and for Postcrossing and I just couldn't find what I was looking for so I decided to dig out some old Lino and my rusty old Lino cut tool from pre university days (10+) years old and make my own... Thats where Pressed By Tea was born. So now we are here!
If you made it right down here do a little happy dance.

If you want to see updates and random insights into my life be sure to check out my instagram account linked below!