Christine Cherry Ceramics

Mrs Christine Cherry

  • United Kingdom

“I design and make beautiful Parian-Porcelain and Stoneware Vessels”

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About Christine Cherry Ceramics

Christine Cherry Ceramics

I handcraft beautiful Parian-Porcelain and Stoneware vessels.

I started my journey into ceramics over 30 years ago, at college in Stoke-on-Trent, learning my skills under tutors such as John Weber and Derek Emms. After gaining an honors degree in design, my career path moved into teaching.

A Primary School Teacher for over 25 years, I loved my job with it's rewards...and challenges! However the urge to create could be ignored no longer. So here I am, 30 years after completing my ceramics degree, finally taking the plunge and starting a whole new adventure.  I now have a studio, in a beautiful 15th-century Tudor Yeoman’s house, with a former teaching colleague, in semi-rural Lancashire.  And, I must say,  am loving every minute of it!

My Parianware is created in stages. First I handcraft forms from Plaster of Paris. I then make moulds for these and slip-cast vessels, using my own 30-year-old parian slip recipe. The forms are lovingly carved and dried over a period of a few weeks. I work closely on each piece, decorating and individualising them.