The Right Lines

Lindsay Randall

“Cards to help put you into words.”

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About The Right Lines

The Right Lines

Cards to help you find the right words for all sorts of occasions.

Sometimes we all struggle with what to say. Often that's even harder when situations are sad. The Right Lines cards are designed to help you out when you're not quite sure how to get your thoughts across.

People often tell me the sentiments are spot on and it's as if I've read their mind, or that I've helped them to articulate something they wanted to say to someone special. This puts a huge smile on my face because it's exactly what I wanted the cards to do.

I'm also a lover of proper post and sending a card to someone 'just because'. So you'll find that my complete range covers plenty of sentiments and occasions like the usual Happy Birthday and Good Luck, but there's also lots of cards you can send to someone just to brighten their day.

And in these newfangled world of text messaging and social media Liking, it's never been more important than to keep the art of giving cards alive. Sometimes we all just need something to pick up and hold.

I hope you love them all.

Lindsay x