Any Day Cards

Susannah Greaves

  • United Kingdom

“Any Day Cards for any day of the year”

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About Any Day Cards

Any Day Cards

Don't wait for that special day, send a card today to show someone you care and are thinking about them.

Yes, I have a cat. Yes, I love summer days. And, yes, I have a warped sense of humour which comes to the fore in many of my drawings.

This first collection of cards features angels & cherubs and other winged beings. I've always been puzzled by the fact that angels have arms AND wings, so I've make the wings more decorative than functional - like the wings of a penguin.

I'm also fascinated by Medieval dress, especially women's clothes and am reading a lot of books on the subject and looking at a lot of pictures. Someone asked me the other day why it was called the Dark Ages and no one I know seems to be able to give a satisfactory answer. Perhaps you know?