Shuttle Woodcraft

Phil May Plus

“Wood turned bowls, clocks, pens and more.”

All items by Shuttle Woodcraft

  • Large oak fruit bowl

    Large oak fruit bowl

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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  • Pen and pencil set

    Pen and pencil set

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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  • Pen and pencil set

    Pen and pencil set

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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  • Pen and pencil set

    Pen and pencil set

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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  • Pen and pencil set

    Pen and pencil set

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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  • Skeleton clock

    Skeleton clock

    Shuttle Woodcraft


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About Shuttle Woodcraft

Shuttle Woodcraft

I create hand finished wood turned products; bowls, clocks, pens and more.

I have always been interested in woodworking ever since I was a little boy ‘helping’ my dad in the garage holding bits of wood whilst he cut things. Generally making a nuisance of myself whilst watching and learning. I had a successful career as a research scientist having graduated in Chemistry. However, in 2016 I was involved in a very serious bicycle accident where I sustained many injuries, I broke my pelvis damaged both leg and shoulder, sustained 3 skull fractures and worst of all sustained a brain injury. Suffice it to say that it had a devastating impact on my life. As a result of the accident, it was mutually agreed that I should accept a redundancy.
I spent a lot of time playing memory games to try to improve my memory, but I also spent a long time sitting watching television. After a while my wife suggested that I bought a lathe and took up woodturning, after a bit of persuasion I thought that this was a good idea and started researching what I would need to accomplish this. After purchasing the lathe, I watched many videos on how to correctly use the tools. Unfortunately, my memory was so poor that every time that I wanted to go and do some turning, I had to relearn how to use the tools, this was very frustrating, but I persevered.
After several years and much practice, I could use the lathe without resorting to watching "how to" videos as much and I have now begun to develop my own style and techniques. I enjoy seeing the emergence of items made from beautiful woods and take a pride in finishing them to a high standard.