Dream Fracture iii - Vic...
The Pale House
£180.00 1 in stock
Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.
I'm David, the mixed media designer behind Salty Seas. Many people always say that they have been drawing and had an interest in art since they were children but in my case its true. Or it could be that I just like collecting masses of art supplies! My first job was as a draughtsman in the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham, which I loved and then over the years a succession of design roles in branding and packaging, being a mature student at Staffordshire University gaining a Foundation Degree, BA Hons and an MA, where I was accepted on to a funded business theme where the idea for Salty Seas came from about 7 years ago.
It was started as a part time business first just to see if it was viable and then about 4 years ago, I jumped in feet first, built a studio in the garden and it became my full time job. Everything I design and make is the result of years of practicing different arts and crafts skills such as illustration, model making, photography, pyrography, needlecraft etc etc.
The first things I made that were related to the coast was my driftwood sculptures, which I have been making for over 30 years now, along with my photography which has always been another passion of mine, trying to capture the essence of a typical seaside destination. So, using the same theme, I have designed a range of gifts to suit any budget, any home and to recreate special memories for people of childhood holidays gone by. Long walks on the beach, paddling in the sea. Spending hours looking in rock pools trying to catch an elusive crab or shrimp. The smell of fish and chips, the sound of screaming gulls and of course, you have to have an ice cream when you're at the seaside!
I have plans to not only extend the range of what i offer but there is also the possibility of different ventures that I am thinking of for the future, so who knows whats next.....
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