

“Handmade Cards & Gifts”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About LJCraftsuk


Handmade Cards & Gifts

Hi all!

My name is Laura and I live in North West, UK.
I have been creating handmade cards since 2016, but never really got into selling them, as I just enjoyed the hobby of creating... so now I have hundreds of cards!
I moved house last year, and it was only then that I realised how much crafting supplies I have, how many cards I have ready to be given to loved ones and how many more I can still make.
I have decided to open my Folksy shop to share my work, and as my creations sell, I will invest the money made into setting up my new craft room, buying more craft supplies and trying my hand at other crafts.
I have only listed a small selection of my cards available, however, please drop me a message if you would like something in particular, and I'll see if I can dig through the many moving boxes of crafting supplies still waiting to be unpacked.