hare and tabor

andrew Pattenden

  • United Kingdom

“Folk arts and esoterica for the discerning”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About hare and tabor

hare and tabor

Folk arts and esoterica for the discerning.

T shirts and cards celebrating folklore and traditions.

Many of our folk traditions such as music, dance and story telling are alive and breathing and, indeed, flourishing all over the country. The growth of festivals and other events bears witness to the vigorous health of the folk arts community.

I have attended many such events over the years but have always felt somewhat disappointed at the limited visual celebration of this creativity. I began excavating the visual history of many of the traditions from books and other documents, and was drawn into a fascinating and esoteric world. I was particularly compelled by the simplicity and boldness of woodcuts. The impact was direct and arresting, and the diversity and creativity within a seemingly restrictive form dazzling. This was just one discovery among many, and the images seemed like the ideal way to express our collective traditions and culture. And so I started looking at ways to incorporate the images into designs for T shirts and cards.

I also attempt to put the designs and associated images into historical and social context in the product descriptions. You will often find selections of poetry and songs illustrating the themes, and the intention is to make the experience informative and stimulating. Hopefully it will lead you down new and enchanted pathways of discovery.

What you will find here therefore are products with a story and a rich history associated with them. A good antidote to the anonymous products you find on the high street.