
Erin Snowdon

  • United Kingdom

“Origami made with love”

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About Erigami


Origami made with love

Hi. My name is Erin. A couple of years ago my brother in law and his partner bought me a 5 minute origami gift set as my Christmas gift. I brought it home and forgot about it. About 6 months later, when it was particularly quiet at work (I work in a call centre) I remembered the gift and brought it into work to try. I fell in love with folding paper. After a while I realised that it was all well and good folding lots of things out of paper but what to do with them all.

Earlier this year I found out my cousin was having a baby and thought wouldn't it be fun to make a mobile out of origami. After that several friends and relatives have asked me to make mobiles for them. I've run out of people to give them to. I absolutely love making different designs and think that the mobiles I make are unique and beautiful (if I do say so myself). I still work full time, this is my hobby. The hope is that by selling some of my creations I can buy more craft supplies to make more things. Thanks for looking at my shop.