All items by Earthstar Designs

  • Jute Shopping Basket

    Jute Shopping Basket

    Earthstar Designs


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  • Recycled Cotton Woven Basket

    Recycled Cotton Woven Basket

    Earthstar Designs


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About Earthstar Designs

Earthstar Designs

Knitwear and Bags Inspired by Nature

I have had a passion for crafting all my life and all things natural. As I developed my skills I found that I would have a spark of inspiration for something and just start and create it as I went along. So this developed into purposefully designing my own knits and clothes and bags and cards and all sorts. I also make dancewear. I am trained in nutrition and herbalism and my love of what nature provides us with spills over into yarns and fabrics. I get so excited by all the different natural yarns, from wools to eucalyptus to nettle and the world of colour. Perhaps only another yarn/fabric lover can understand that excitement and inspiration that comes from the textures and colours. I love the process of letting my hands do the work, creating something unique and personal. This year was one of big changes and after almost 3 decades of parenting I find myself at the start of the next phase of my life and I have decided I want to change my main focus to my craft. I recently had the inspiration to create these jute baskets and I will be putting up my knit wear shortly.