
“Art and accessories for the creepy, cute and quirky”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About RavensHollowTrinkets


Quirky, cute and spooky.

Hi, I'm Dominique and I love all things quirky, cute, spooky and geeky. I have been crafting for many years but only got started in chain mail in the last year as a way to better connect to my true love, tabletop fantasy rpgs. Crochet and felt plushy making were distractions for me while studying fine art at university but have slowly become one of my top passions. Outside of crafting I run a creative space, volunteer as an events organiser and cafe host and I am a mum to one human daughter and a cat son.