Birmingham Stationery Co.

“Handmade stationery from The City of 1000 Trades in the 21st Century.”

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About Birmingham Stationery Co.

Birmingham Stationery Co.

We are two creative people who love stationery. We make all of our books by hand in our small workshop overlooking Birmingham’s skyline.

We are two Birmingham School of Architecture graduates who love stationery and making things. We hand-make all of our notebooks with carefully sourced papers and materials from around the world.

Birmingham is a city full of creative people: artists, makers, writers, designers, entrepreneurs and students. Inspired by the people, places and processes happening around us we hope to help facilitate this activity by producing functional and beautiful objects that can be filled with creativity and ideas.

We see the value in manufacturing everyday objects locally. Birmingham was once called the City of 1000 Trades and we believe this can be more true today than ever before. We are part of a growing community of small scale manufacturers, artists and craftspeople in the city who are creating and selling high quality products to people all around the world.