
“Telling faith stories through craft”

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About bettyvirago


Telling stories, one doll at a time!

I've been making, collecting and playing with dolls for as long as I can remember and I was lucky enough to have parents who encouraged craft and making things at home.

I have a degree in textile arts & crafts and specialised in knitted/crochet textiles. My crochet dolls have won me some prestigious awards but what I love more is watching little ones use dolls to make up their own stories.

I began making Bible characters some time ago, then trained in Godly play and saw the huge benefit from Bible stories being acted out with tiny dolls and the wonder and questions it brings to those who hear the story.

Anyway, hope you like the things I make, maybe you could have a go at telling your kids a story with their toys and get a glimpse of the wonder that inspires me.