
“Handmade, unique furniture, accessories and gifts all from Whisky Barrels”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About BarreledOver


This is not just any furniture, this is BarreledOver eco-friendly but still beautiful, tactile, planet positive and sustainable furniture.

Barreled Over began in the year 2020 as we all know Covid 19 was at the forefront of everyone’s life. Covid-19 robbed me of my father suddenly and unexpectedly.

My father used to grow, cultivate, and show his own Fuchsias, he travelled all over the country giving talks and winning trophies. He also had a healthy fondness for whiskey and on every special occasion I would buy him a special bottle.

When he passed away, I felt I had lost everything, and I had no way of properly having a memorial due to the virus restrictions. I wanted to do something just for me, I acquired 1 whisky barrel with the intention of planting one of his own Fuchsias in it. All his grandchildren had a Fuchsias named after them).

I cut the barrel in half and started experimenting with a simple design as a practice, but it came out so nicely I was asked to make another one on social media. it has barrel-rolled from there, but to be honest, when I am making these barrels, I believe my dad is watching and chuckling away, he would have loved the connection and would see the funny side. So, in a way it has been the start of the healing process. I will miss my dad forever and the chats we used to have, but I know he would be so proud of the idea that I have come up with and that is making handcrafted furniture from Whisky barrels.