Two antique coffeespoons...
Looney Spoons
£5.00 1 in stock
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Wildflower Aromatics products are all individually handmade, using the finest natural ingredients. These ingredients are all ethically produced and include botanicals, natural plant oils, waxes and essential oils.
The artisan and creator of Wildflower Aromatics, Stephanie Cahill-Jackson, is a certified Aromatherapist & Herbalist. And uses her knowledge of the power of plants to create products which have benefits for the mind, body and soul.
All Wildflower Aromatics products are individually handmade, which makes them truly unique. No two items will be identical, as they are produced by human hands, not machines. As such that may mean that there may occasionally be blemishes, marks or other signs of imperfections, that appeared during the production process. However, these are not truly flaws, these distinctions are what makes our products one of a kind. Our products have a rustic nature, which embraces the handmade process and the unpredictable-ness that it brings.
Also, please note that whilst we have tried to represent the product as accurately as we can on the images provided. Your product may differ slightly in appearance partly due to the variations, as mentioned above. And partly due to the variations in electronic screen settings, for example colour and contrast variations.
Fortunately, the amazing aromas and benefits of our ingredients and products are unaffected by these variations in appearance.
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