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About Traction Avant UK

Traction Avant UK

The natural world translated into ceramic sculpture

I have always been fascinated with the natural world, from volcanos to rainforests to oceans and the animals that inhabit this world. The powerful forces occurring beneath the earth and the translation of that on the surface. My work explores those forces. My current projects are 'Geological Landscapes' and 'Flight'

Geological Landscapes explores aerial shots of the earth captured inside geodesic forms. With the use of glaze I create miniature worlds inside my vessels. The vessels are inspired by the geode, a rock which when it is broken open is lined with crystals inside.

The Flight series is inspired by the flying patterns of Starlings,their formations are known as murmerations and are an absolutely stunning sight. Check them out in online videos they are hypnotic! I created a sculpture at university combining hundreds of birds morphing from eggs into birds in full flight. The individual decorative birds available on Folksy come from my explorations during that project.