Petit Four Spoon with ha...
Looney Spoons
£8.50 1 in stock
Welcome to Stay Strong Scents. Products are inspired by scents, positivity and mental health wellbeing handmade in Bristol, England.
Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.
Hello, my name is Jenny i live in Bristol, welcome to my oasis of well-being! and create handmade bath and body products using carefully selected essential oils and premium fragrance oils. All my items are vegan, cruelty free and range from shower steamers, soaps, scrubs, balms, curling custard, beard oils, shaving butter, body butter, botanical bath salts, roller ball essential oil pulse point oils to handwash, body lotions, soaps and more.
Mental health awareness and positive self care are a theme throughout my products with mantras, affirmations on products or through affirmation cards and packaging labels. My products are carefully crafted to elevate your senses and nurture your mind, promote relaxation, mindfulness and overall mental well-being.
Join me on a path to self discovery and radiate positivity.