Raffy and Bee

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Raffy and Bee
Raffy and Bee

Claire Stevens

“Protecting the planet, one creation at a time.”

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About Raffy and Bee

Raffy and Bee

Protecting the planet, one creation at a time

Hi, I'm Claire, a military wife for over 10 years. 

Having been in the military lifestyle for so long, I totally get the feelings of frustration, loneliness and overwhelm.

I wanted to find a hobby to escape the loneliness of being a military wife, the loneliness of the deployments, exercises, and living in a separate part of the country all week, and only seeing him at weekends.
I found a knitting Nancy in a charity shop and remembered using one as child.  As I can't knit with traditional needles, I was hooked on this new way of knitting!

This led to other no needles knitting techniques, including finger knitting, arm knitting, lucet knitting, and circular machine knitting.

protecting the planet, one creation at a time
I am a bit of an eco-warrior, and I wanted to marry my love of crafting with helping the planet and it's sustainability.
I am very careful of the impact that my creations will have upon the planet and after extensive research I have narrowed my preferences down to a selection of yarns including linen, recycled yarns, organic cotton, plant and vegetable yarns. 

These yarns biodegrade much quicker, are sourced ethically, and manufactured without a bad impact on our environment. As natural fibres contain no plastics, they are more comfortable to wear, and allow your skin to breathe easier. 

Each of my creations is unique, and as no two yarns are exactly the same, you are getting your own unique item made with care and love, just for you.

 Raffy & Bee is dedicated to researching the best yarns for the environment. Yarns which don't take hundreds of years to biodegrade, yarns which are kind to the planet.