
“Wool and wood with a rustic edge”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About LikeAJourney


Wool and wood with a rustic edge

We are passionate about craft making with a reverence for the Earth. Here you will find unique items made of wool or wood with a rustic edge and lots of spirals!

Alex has a bit of an obsession for wrapping things in wool to keep the warmth inside, with designs that reflect the rounded lines of nature, with spirals for the positive energy they inspire and by combining wool's natural shades with bright colours found all around. Ronny fills his pockets (and the house!) with branches, beach glass and other little treasures to make quirky wise elders and more. All very organic.

One of our main inspirations comes from William Morris, who famously said: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful". We hope our items will enhance your surroundings with the warmth of wool and wood and that you will value their usefulness.