June Jackson Designs

“Quality hand crafted greetings cards ”

Shop Announcement:

As all my cards are made before listing so I am able to dispatch orders within 24 hours.

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

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About June Jackson Designs

June Jackson Designs

Designer of One of a Kind colourful quality greetings cards

Hi, I’m June, a crafting enthusiast and I love to share my crafting designs.

I started crafting at an early age before I was five years old. My Mum has a photo of us sitting on a sofa and she teaching me how to knit. I also learnt to crochet a few years later. At secondary school I learnt how to make jewellery with seed beads, and as an adult I took up cross-stitch and later card making became a passion too.

I live in Durham, UK, with my husband and two of my three sons.

Thank you so much for being part of this online community. If you favourite my shop you will find out when there are new cards listed.

June Jackson