
Madeleine Case


Average review score:
(100% positive from 1 reviews)

    Reviewed by shepherdess24

    Very well made and it looks superb!
    Blackbirds, starlings, doves... and 'the bigger ones', NO, it is NOT for you!
    The little birds (blue tits first, then sparrows) have just discovered the new feeder. They always land on the rope first, and try to find their way down to the ledge at the front.
    My husband thinks it would be useful for the birds to have a similar type of ledge at the bottom edge of the roof, on each side - useful to let them hop down from the rope, as they have nothing else to grip... He may be right.
    I'll be watching with delight.... and will check how the birds are getting on.
    BTW, excellent protection inside the parcel, but there was some damages on top side, where the pointed part of the roof made holes through soft cardboard. I'm sure some thick brown tape across small sides of parcel would give necessary reinforcement.
    All the very best with your splendid craftwork!

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