Hannah's Field

“Good-Natured Soft Things”

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About Hannah's Field

Hannah's Field

Hi, I'm Hannah and I love to make things from wool

Over the past 10 years I have knitted, crocheted and sewn woolly soft things to wear, for the home and to play with.
Alongside this has grown a fascination (and admittedly perhaps a bit of an obsession!) for natural dyes.

A corner of our home kitchen is taken over with pots, sieves and jars, natural materials with which to experiment and buckets of felt soaking ready for the next pot of colour.
From these naturally and uniquely dyed sheets of wool I design and make objects that impart the warmth and colour created by these ancient and grounding processes.

I am currently living in Derbyshire, but was brought up in the hills of South Wales surrounded by sheep and from an early age built a good knowledge of native plants. These things have stayed with me and so, 30 years later, combining natural wool and the magical properties of plants gives me great pleasure.