Freeform Design

“Recycled plastic pendants, earrings and hanging ornaments.”

Shop Announcement:

Remember, each piece is unique, I have many designs made up, but I have kept the shop limited so it's easy to browse, if you see something you like, but perhaps want different colours, please contact me (and remember to check the items already sold too). I can often reproduce the same style of design, but with different effects Any questions/queries you have are welcome.
I have allowed 5 days for postage - but with postal issues things can get delayed, so please bear that in mind. Thank you.

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Freeform Design

Freeform Design

Handmade one-off pieces made out of old CDs

Welcome to my page. I've been making all kinds of crafty things for years, but only in my spare time. Recently I decided to cut down the hours of my teaching job and make my creative work a priority. As my friends would tell you, I love collecting materials and trinkets that I can use in my craft projects. I have a workshop full of beads, paper, ribbon, old mirrors and bottles, to name just a few. I like the idea of reusing, recycling and what is now called upcycling. I've got loads of ideas and projects I want to do, but I decided to start with the CDs. I had managed to collect a few hundred over the years thinking there must be something I could use them for as they are so pretty in the light. I did a bit of research and experimentation, cutting up and melting a lot of CDs. I've made mobiles, hanging ornaments and garden ornaments. I then made a few pieces of jewellery and showed my friends. They were really positive and even bought a few pieces off me. So now I have a small shop thanks to Folksy and hopefully others will find my work interesting too. Enjoy.