Fabric Nation

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Fabric Nation
Fabric Nation

Gillian Elam


Average review score:
(100% positive from 12 reviews)

    Reviewed by glittersniffer

    Lovely item. Perfect for what I wanted it for. Would highly recommend.

    Reviewed by Tailorbird

    gorgeous my friend Nicola will love it x

    Reviewed by SilverShoreline

    Beautiful - thank you : )

    Reviewed by K8Aston

    Really cute purse and thanks for being so helpful and hunting down the 'torquay' one. if you ever happen to have a 'weymouth' purse please let me know. Best wishes K8

    Reviewed by sunshineyday

    Simply gorgeous. beautifully made.

    Reviewed by dottydaisies

    Excellent service, fabulous item ,one happy girl!

    Reviewed by missmercy

    Thank you so so much! I came home today in a foul mood after a particularly stressful day at work only to find your item waiting for me. You should have seen the huge smile the spread across my face as I opened your 'thank you' envelope. The daftest of items but perfectly selected for an instant feel good factor. Particularly the tombola slip (I hadn't seen one of those in years!). Thank you so very much for making my day with your fantastic product and customer service. Keep up the good work. :)

    Reviewed by reesland

    Beautifully made purse, great attention to detail, highly recommended.

    Reviewed by Ema

    Just received it and delighted with the Aberysthwyth purse, my friend will love it! Many Thanks

    Reviewed by Ema

    A fantastic purse, you can't appreciate in the picture how beautifully made it. It was a delight opening the package all those wonderful seaside bits are being enjoyed by my children and also thank you so much for the penny in the purse for good luck, so thoughful ! Great attention to detail, highly recommed this seller.

    Reviewed by Sara

    A really amazing dog, I adore her. The attention to detail is excellent and she is just so damn cute. Will be back for more xx

    Reviewed by gazza

    Lovely brooch, speedy service and great packaging. Eying up one of your dogs now!

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