Art Compass

Maria Williams

“From ceramics to prints, its all here”

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About Art Compass

Art Compass

From icons to furries, I simply draw what moves me

|I start my final year of a creative degree in September as a mature student. I didn't do well at school and it took me many years to realise that I hated working just to keep the wolves from the door. So I went back to 'school' to study what I always said as a kid when asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, ART.
People fascinate me, I am intrigued by their stories, what they did that changed the world, of music or history, human or animal rights. So I started with musical icons, because music is art too.
The furries started with a chicken! During a project at uni to illustrate nursery rhymes, I did an intaglio print of chickens that my tutor thought was a professional image. Over the moon at my 'success' it became the go to image for presents. This last academic year, we got to write our own briefs and I chose to create a range of kitchenware. I reworked the chickens, because my art evolves as my skills do. The cow was such a cute and funny chap, he had to be part of the range and the breed of sheep, Jacobs, are in honour of a farming family I worked for and still love.
My range is small currently but I am continually working on more designs and hope to use a local potter for more ceramics.
I live in North Devon, a most beautiful part of the country and am surrounded by inspiration. Keep looking for the results and thank you for visiting.