
“Affordable tote bags and t-shirts. Prices from 6.99. Free first class shipping. Items will arrive the next day. 7,500+ five star reviews. ”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About zzzebraaa


tote bags and t-shirts

Founded in 2018 from a passion for vintage art. Jack Watson, owner and founder, has since established a handmade brand that has recently surpassed 30,000 retail orders globally.

From our humble beginnings in a spare bedroom to our latest expansion into a small studio in Durham City, producing high quality sustainable products has remained at the forefront of our values.

Our online presence amassed over 8,000 5 star reviews, emphasising our values - quality, affordability and simplicity.