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Zelda Stawarz

  • United Kingdom

“Hand printed textiles and paper goods. Limited run screen print and lino printed all by hand”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About wildheartways


Inspiration is all around

welcome to my little shop,

I love to repurpose vintage textiles.
Collecting and sourcing treasures (materials) for my work is an interesting journey. Assembling the adornments is another. A lot of time is spent on the finer details of these creations. There are many inspirations , organic matter, flora, fauna, the oddities of nature.

I make everything as a one of a kind , this makes them so special. When you purchase from me, you will then have a unique treasure for yourself.

In 2002, I started to sell my creations at local fairs and markets. I have slowly grown my enterprise locally. I decided to expand my little adventure into the worldwide web and opened a shop here on Folksy.

My home studio, is a large room with a view of the countryside, in Northumberland. There is so much inspiration around me here.