tony fernandes art

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tony fernandes art
tony fernandes art

tony fernandes

“welcome to my gallery full of nice greeting cards and prints for your enjoyment and amusement, If you like them, they are only a click away.”

This shop is currently empty. Please check back when we've restocked.

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About tony fernandes art

tony fernandes art

this is my workspace, a place full of plates, lost cups of tea, dreams and other odd bits.

Established as a unique cartoonist influenced by the great satirical draughtsmen of the C18th and C19th - the cartoons are filled with such joy, great humour, insight and wit but there is always a sense of compassion about the characters in their silliness and in the ridiculous absurdity of everyday life.
With works appearing on cinema, television, magazines, books and DVD, the artist divides his time between studio painting and traveling to far and distant ports researching, sketching and photographing.