Sun Sparkles

Helen Christmas

“Sparkling sun catchers for the home and garden inspired by nature”

All items by Sun Sparkles

  • Butterflies and Dragonflies Sun Catcher

    Butterflies and Dragonflies...

    Sun Sparkles


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  • Bluebell Wood Sun Catcher

    Bluebell Wood Sun Catcher

    Sun Sparkles


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About Sun Sparkles

Sun Sparkles

Sparkling decorations for the home and garden inspired by nature

My name is Helen Christmas and I love making sun catchers and bag charms. The idea arose when I stumbled across a beautiful piece of bark in the countryside and wanted to turn it into a garden ornament. Using an old crystal necklace and glass beads, my idea became a reality.

On coastal or country walks with my dog, I see scattered wood, bark or bits of driftwood that seem to call to me; tempt me to turn them to objects of beauty; so, in my Bognor based cottage studio, I use them to make single or multi-stranded sun catchers, each finished with crystal prisms. Hung in a garden or window, they catch the sunlight, flash, sparkle and scatter rainbows.

Much of my early inspiration has come from Pinterest, but more recently I get ideas from nature, whether I find myself in a bluebell wood, on a gorgeous beach, or observing a sunset sky. Nature has an amazing palette of colours to delight and soothe the soul.