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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Soap Flakes

Soap Flakes

Functional or decorative things lovingly made from materials or objects that needed bringing back to life.

Hello! Just a couple to things before I begin, the first being thank you for taking the time to look at my shop and to read this. Secondly, an apology, I'm not good at stuff like this. I never know how to say what I want to say in the right way, so the following may seem a bit clunky, but I hope you get the gist of it.

I suppose the best way to begin would be to explain myself as a maker. I was the kind of child who was just happy to potter about at home making things from bits and bobs I found around the place, and to be honest not much has changed. I like to reuse things and revive them, giving tired materials and objects a new lease of life, or reinvent them, turning them into something else. I can't abide waste, all the energy that goes into producing something only for it to be thrown in the bin goes against the grain for me. So pretty much everything I make has been something else before, or has needed a bit of TLC to return to its former glory. For that reason, I don't have a specific thing that I make, I will look at what has accumulated in the garage, or in the cupboard under the stairs, or somebody may give me something they think I might be able to use, and I will go from there. I like to learn and use lots of different skills and techniques. That said, I do go through phases - I am enjoying revamping furniture at the moment, and I have rediscovered my love of fabric. Before that it was crochet, I still love it but it does take me a while as I'm not very good at the complicated stitches, so I just focus on the colours. I love colour, and colour combinations.

Oh, and I'm not very good at photography, I don't know why, so please don't let the pictures of my endeavours put you off!

So that's it really. Everything you see in my shop will be as described above, and I will endeavour to tell it’s story each time.