Rawsome Chocolate

“Raw, organic, vegan chocolate that tastes good and does good.”

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    Rawsome Chocolate


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About Rawsome Chocolate

Rawsome Chocolate

Raw, organic, vegan chocolate that tastes good and does good.

Rawsome Chocolate was born out of the idea that chocolate should taste good and do good.

I started Rawsome Chocolate with a spatula and a bowl in my tiny kitchen in Leamington Spa, in 2019. I was a new mum with dairy intolerant twins and a new intolerance to dairy myself. I needed good chocolate!

Chocolate should put a smile on your face, make you feel special, and do good on the inside and out. This means that apart from tasting awesome, when you buy Rawsome Chocolate, not only are you supporting a small business, but also the communities who grow and produce the cacao and sugar.

The Criollo cacao beans are grown in the Peruvian Amazon, the spiritual home of cacao. This Peruvian cacao is grown sustainably amongst trees or shrubs, using the Agroforestry land management system. This method has much less environmental impact than the fertiliser-heavy plantations which cause so much deforestation. Farmers are paid a fair rate and so there is no child labour and families can afford to send their children to school.

This chocolate is raw. It is minimally processed to keep it close to it's natural state and retaining all of it's natural goodness. This chocolate is vegan. Using nuts or seeds as the mylk, it is completely plant based and I use minimal ingredients so the chocolate can sing out. All of our cacao, sugar and mylk is organic, and most of the other ingredients are too.

The result? Out chocolate is a smooth and creamy, delicious, nutritious and fabulous treat that is doing good. One bar does a lot.


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