Pouch it

Katharine Dallow

  • United Kingdom

“Takes the mess out your hands”

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About Pouch it

Pouch it

Sophie and her pouch it

Pouch it came about due to my dog Sophie's love of sausages.
After walking around a local forest one Sunday afternoon we headed towards the Market that was being held there in one of the barns.
Sophie decided she needed to go toilet again and headed off to the grass. After picking up the mess I realised there were no bins anywhere near. That's when Sophie started pulling me with all her might into the barn. I never knew she loved markets so much. Once inside I realised why she was so determined to get in. A local farmer was the first stall and he was cooking some of his sausages for customers to taste.
Sophie instantly made a new best friend!
Being so close to food I was suddenly very aware that I was carrying a bag full of dogs mess.
I wished I had somewhere, anywhere at that point to hide it out of sight.

The next few months were spent coming up with ideas and learning how to put them together. I had many ideas that worked perfectly in my head but not so well when I made them. Sophie was always keen to help from sitting on my material until I took her for a walk or modelling the finished product. It would not have been done without her.