pollypurplehorse crafts


“handmade cards and pretty things...”

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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

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About pollypurplehorse crafts

pollypurplehorse crafts

Full Time Passionate Papercafter!!

Hello, I'm Angela, a freelance papercraft designer. I currently design for Trimcraft, Papermilldirect, Hobbybase, and you may see my work in Uk magazines.

I am very passionate about papercrafting and creating unique one-of-a-kind designs. I won the Cardmaker of the Year title in November 2016, but have actually been busy playing with paper for the last 20 years or more!

I have lots of crafty stash to play with and when I'm not designing one-off pieces for my DT work, I create cards for my friends and family. I had taken a little break from my online shops for a short while but I'm back with lots of energy to create for you all again.

Be assured that everything I design is handmade with love from top quality materials and attention to detail, I look forward to creating something for you,

Angela x