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Folksy is a place to buy hand crafted gifts and supplies from UK designer-makers

Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.

About Luli Creative

Luli Creative

Recycled & Eco-Friendly Cards and Gifts

Hi, my nickname is Luli and has been since birth. My real name is Andrea.

I own a small independent graphic design agency creating beautiful branding/logos, websites, illustration and printed materials for small to medium businesses. My HND was in textile design and so I have the need to also create crafty gifts and bits and bobs for people to enjoy.

In an attempt to stay as environmentally friendly as possible, I create cards and gifts for others to enjoy which you can buy on here. All my cards are reproduced in print, using 100% recycled material and CO2 emissions produced during the manufacture of the paper stock are offset via ClimatePartner. None of my cards are wrapped in single use plastics, they have a pretty little peel-able lable which hold them together with their envelope.

All the gifts I make are using recycled materials and repurposed products.

I'm a 2021 newlywed and live with my husband in a beautiful little village in Wiltshire. My office is at home and overlooks the village duck pond. I have an odd squad of ducks who visit me every day and quack outside my office window until I feed them. A couple eat from my hand as my cat normally watches from the window licking his lips. If you're crazy enough to want to know more about me, you can read it by clicking 'Blog' below, to get to my website.