Handmade Tea Coffee Mum ...
Lucy Ormsby Pottery
£29.95 1 in stock
Here are some things just listed by other crafters and sellers on Folksy.
Hello my name is Denise and i have always been creative since my Mum first taught me how to knit when I was 7 years old. I designed my first picture sweater when i was just 15 years old and since then I've never stopped creating special items.
I made lots of things for our 3 daughter when they were born and as they became older I started making dolls clothes and other things for them to play with. I would make them on an evening while they were in bed. They would come down and often say "Look What Mum's Made", when I started my business in 2012 I thought this would make a lovely name for it.
All the items in my Folksy shop are lovingly made by myself or my Mum and between us we have over 80 years experience of knitting and crochet.
I like to source designs that are different and often my Mum and I design the items for my shop ourselves all of which are made using the highest quality yarns.
Thank you for visiting my shop.
Best wishes
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