jellipot textiles

Sarah woods


Average review score:
(100% positive from 5 reviews)

    Reviewed by GreenBeing

    Thank you so much. A belated thank you for sorting the problem item and shipping me out a new one, that was so lovely of you and really appreciated just before xmas. Items are fun and perfect gifts.

    Reviewed by anon_86497

    Hi Sarah. Really thrilled with my lollipop! Can't wait to wear it. Once again, another beautifully made piece. Thank you. Emma x

    Reviewed by Traceylou

    Prompt delivery! Love the items! My friend is going to love the earrings! thank you!

    Reviewed by BeeBeeCrafts

    Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. He's got a great character, I love him and promise to look after him!

    Quality product and VERY speedy delivery.
    Many thanks.
    Nicky x

    Reviewed by anon_86497

    Love my brooch - thank you :-)

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