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About Iridian Jewels

Iridian Jewels

Handmade jewellery using presiosa crystal, glass and natural stone

Having a passion for jewellery from a young age I began to explore designs and started to make my own items to wear. I loved to explore shape and colour trying different combinations to see what would work, often surprised at the results. I would make a piece to wear with a new outfit and gained comments how nice the piece was . Friends and family began to ask for their own items especially bracelets this led to more people asking where the item had come from.

Taking early retirement I was able to spend more time in my design studio and so Iridian jewels was born. The name meaning resembling a rainbow and the iris of the eye .

I enjoy working with various metals , stainless steel , aluminium , gold and silver plate along with sterling silver this allows for people with allergies to wear my jewellery. I also like to work with my clients making unique items upon their requests.

I hope you enjoy looking through my collection, remember I can work with you to make something just for you .