
“Handmade Bracelets & Phone Charms”

All items by Drmbeadz

  • Beaded Phone Charm

    Beaded Phone Charm



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About Drmbeadz


Making bespoke beaded bracelets & phone charms

I'm Eva, i'm 10 years old and I love animals! I sponsor a Jaguar and a Marine Turtle through WWF, and I love to do what I can to help.

I was with my family out in Portugal this year when we bought some beads and had fun making bracelets with my mum, and thought "Hey, I really want to make these for everybody!".

Then I thought, how can I turn something I enjoy doing, into something nice, and that's when I figured, I can donate some of my proceeds to WWF to help the animals even more.

Everyone has loved what i've made so far - and if you buy a little piece of joy from my shop, I hope you'll love it too!