Ceramics By Miranda

Miranda Qualtrough

“Lovingly crafted unique ceramics for everyday living.”

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About Ceramics By Miranda

Ceramics By Miranda

Unique ceramics for everyday living.

Miranda - meaning "to be admired" I am so lucky to have been given such a beautiful name that I thought I would show my appreciation by using it.

Craft has been allowed into my life at a later age than I perhaps would have liked. I have always had an interest in crafts and over the years collected and attempted many kits but I have never managed to pursue it further due to family commitments. This is fine by me as it is my opinion that my children are the greatest creation that I will ever have the privilege of making – nature is the ultimate artist in my view and it’s been a joy working with “her” and seeing “her” creativeness unfold before my eyes. However, having four children has prevented me from pursuing “making” more seriously until now! (I did try once to advance my pottery skills by having clay and a table top wheel at home but within 24hours my children had buried all the goldfish alive in their tank and so the clay and wheel removed from our lives!)

I love to experiment (I think it is called research and development but I prefer to call it “playing”). You learn a great deal from both the disasters and achievements – learning is a never ending process which should be enjoyed not fake nor forced. I use whichever material suits my purpose but predominently it is clay or willow. I particularly like these two materials as they are sustainable and have a minimum impact on our planet – an issue that I am particularly aware of, concerned about and plan to develop further. Anything that I make will be based upon using “planet friendly materials” and processes whenever possible. I want to make products that will last – durable, personal and be treasured. Each item I create is a part of me it will know my love and pride from the outset and it is my hope that these positive feelings are appreciated and passed on to the owner everytime that it is used.

We, as a race, have relied on these primary materials for a very long time and it is important to me that they should not be forgotten. They have played a big part in our lives in the past and perhaps in the future? I think that because of the past importance of these materials we now still have a fundamental and inherent appreciation and satisfying pleasure response to their feel and use. Although I feel that this contact is fast dying in the younger generation as it is removed from their presence. I would like to put it back into their lives and the lives of others to give them the opportunity to experience and remember the joys associated with them, to remind them of our history, pride, how to touch and feel and enjoy at a very basic level to slow down if even for a moment and allow creative seed and inspiration to be sown in this meeting.

Technology moves us on at such a fast pace that we feel we need to run to keep up, but surely we are the masters? It is for us to learn to command and train it to fit into our lives appropriately and responsibly. I personally believe that a happy combination can be reached if only we slow down occasionaly to think about it, ie when we sit in our comfy armchair with our beautifully tactile handmade mug steaming full of luxurious hot chocolate! A moment for me when life stands still and I take note of what I am holding, how it feels, how I feel – the warmth, the strength, the peace, the security, the appreciation, the honesty, the trust, the pleasure. A moment that will be remembered and be carried forward with me and hopefully be passed onto and shared with others benefiting them also.

I have handmade items at home from which I gain great pleasure. They add value to my life and I appreciate their presence. I want to share and encourage this pleasure with others. There are a lot of people who feel that they can’t afford such luxury items and, therefore, forego the unknown pleasures – I want to change this. Handmade crafts are for everyone – always have been and, in my opinion, always should be. Handmade items are an investment that will last and in lots of instances easily repairable (as long as we maintain our local craftspeople) and, therefore, “planet friendly”.